
Procurou por: Banhos de areia

Since the sand must first be heated, the sand baths gradually increase the flask temperature. Similar to the water variation, the sand conforms to the shape of the vessel but will not evaporate or spill. Completely surrounding the reaction vessel, the conducting particles spread heat evenly. The laboratory equipment is heated with a burner flame or hotplate incorporated. Without imposing a particular temperature limit, the sand baths working range is more extensive.

Since the sand must first be heated, the sand baths gradually increase the flask temperature. Similar to the water variation, the sand conforms to the shape of the vessel but will not evaporate or spill. Completely surrounding the reaction vessel, the conducting particles spread heat evenly. The laboratory equipment is heated with a burner flame or hotplate incorporated. Without imposing a particular temperature limit, the sand baths working range is more extensive.

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Fornecedor: VWR Collection
Descrição: Ideais para recipientes com formas irregulares. Construção em aço inoxidável para uma resistência superior à corrosão. Concebidos para utilizar com ar...

Fornecedor: OHAUS
Descrição: Ideal for irregular shaped vessels.

Descrição: Aluminium alloy plate, stainless steel housing with variable temperature control.

Código de Artigo: (453-0083)
Descrição: Digital stainless steel sand bath, controlled by microprocessor. Homogenic distribution of heath for uniform heating of the complete contact surface.
UOM: 1 * 1 unid.

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